I know now that love is the ability to hold someone through all their changes not too tightly but the way THE SKY HOLDS THE SUN. Knowing the unalterable spot beneath our current face is where God first kissed us into being.

– Mark Nepo

I deeply live from my heart and appreciate the joy and the beauty of simply being alive – dedicated, with an open mind and heart and in deep, deep gratitude for life itself.

I am a practicing psychologist Dipl/ M.A., a facilitator for systemic movements, specialized in systemic family constellations, a counselor, mentor and experienced teacher for mindfulness-based techniques such as meditation, yoga and somatics.

It is my dedication to provide a loving and open-hearted space to explore and manage the complexities of being human. A safe space where we feel safe to feel.

My work is a blend of western psychology, a systemic foundation and dedication to systemic (family) constellations, a mindful consciousness to our inner life, eastern spiritual practices and a compassionate engagement with our world.

Through the span of my professional life I have worked in a variety of settings including Private Practice, Trauma Counseling Facilities and Clinics to Counseling Charities.

I have had the privilege of working internationally with individual clients and diverse groups from diverse socio-cultural and ethnic backgrounds in different projects and Ngo´s. These varied experiences inform my practice as a psychologist, facilitator, counselor, teacher and most of all – as a human being.

I was born and raised in Hamburg | Germany from where I have been travelling the world for many years. In 2016 my Soul found home by the sea in a pristine fishermans village on the Southwestern Coast of Portugal where I opened a beautiful private practice. Living by the sea has always been my lifelong vision.

After wonderful years in Portugal, I am currently living between California, Australia and Germany.


My heart space has always been in community and therefore it was naturally for me to become the founder and leader of COMMUNITY YOGA GERMANY – a charitable organization based in Hamburg, that was fostering community collaboration, organizing charity events and initiating local service projects. This well respected initiative formed a collective of over 50 activists & yogateachers and 16 yogastudios. Together we offered yoga and meditation on donation base for everyone, connected the local yoga-community to community service projects and realized charity events.  Our network realized 9 charity events, over 210 yogaclasses on donation base,  25 cooking classes with refugee minors, yoga and meditation workshops for migrant women in refugee camps, with at-risk youths and in public schools. And we hosted a special training for teaching yoga in prisons in collaboration with James Fox Founder of Prison Yoga Project, California.

Everyone involved in this initiative by heart was taking part in building a network of solidarity, support and love and I am deeply honored to have been a vital part of it.

  • Psychologist, Dipl./MA | University of Bremen, Germany and University of Klagenfurt, Austria
  • Naturopath for Psychotherapy / Heilpraktikerin (nach HeilprG) | University of Bremen, Germany
  • Systemic Group Facilitation | Margarete Koenning – The Relational Institute Sydney, Australia
  • Lifelong studies and in-person practice of Systemic Family Constellation & Facilitation | Margarete Koenning, Australia | Dr. Guni Leila Baxa, Austria | Francesca Mason Boring, USA | Online International Family Constellation Training | Judith Hemming, UK | William L. Mannle, USA | Dr. Albrecht Mahr, Germany | Daan Van Kampenhout, Netherlands | Bertold Usamer, Germany | Ingala Robel, Mexico
  • Inherited Family Trauma – Transgenerational Trauma | Mark Wolynn, USA
  • Systemic Counseling and Coaching | GST Berlin, SPFZ Hamburg
  • Somatic Stress Release  Dr. Scott Lyons, Sweden
  • Emotional Healing Therapy | Tita Martell, UK
  • Teacher for Meditation and Mindfulness Training | with Ph.D. Jack Kornfield and Ph.D. Tara Brach, Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Certification Program (MMTCP) | Awareness Training Institute (ATI), Greater Good Science Center University of California, Berkeley
  • Leadershiptraining with Ph.D. BK Bidyut Bose, James Fox, Hala Kouri, Seane Corn | Prison Yoga Project, Niroga Institute, Off the Mat into the World | San Francisco, USA
  • Mentorship Program Elevate: Practise You | Elena Brower
  • Founder and leader of Projekt Yoga e.V., a non-profit-organization that offered Yoga and Meditation for everyone and acts as an advocate for the community | Hamburg, Germany
  • Teacher for Yoga | Niki Doane and Eddi Modestini – Maya Yoga Maui, USA and Jason Crandell – Yoga Method, San Francisco, USA
  • Teacher for Tibetan Sound Healing | ND Naturopathic Dr. Bonnie Marsh | Maui, USA
  • Trainer for Stress-Management and Stress-Coping | Ph.D. G. Kaluza, GKM Marburg, Germany
  • Teacher for Autogenous Training | IEK Berlin, Germany
  • Trained in Nonviolent Communication (Marshal Rosenberg) | Hanah Hartenberg, Hamburg, Germany
  • Initiator of different operations to support NGO´s and underserved populations on-site in Cambodia and South Africa in cooperation with Allgemeines Krankenhaus St. Georg, Hamburg, Germany
  • Internship at Eerste River Hospital | Cape Town, South Africa
  • Internship at UKSH University Medical Centre Schleswig-Hostein | Luebeck, Germany